There is already a trolling level on Super Mario Maker

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Autor: Christy White
Dátum Stvorenia: 6 Smieť 2021
Dátum Aktualizácie: 26 Január 2025
Playing A Troll Level For The First Time in Super Mario Maker 2
Video: Playing A Troll Level For The First Time in Super Mario Maker 2

As soon as we heard about Super Mario Maker some of us knew that trolling levels would make their way into the game for other players to rage over. Well, a level surfaced that trolls you in a way that everyone has experienced way too much.

Rick Rolling.

The level is titled ' all='' the='' costumes='' unlocked'='' but='' once='' you='' actually='' play='' it='' you='' find='' yourself='' on='' a='' converter='' belt='' and='' objects='' fall='' onto='' note='' blocks='' off-screen='' to='' play='' the='' music.='' there='' is='' a='' roof='' of='' blocks='' on='' top='' of='' you='' so='' you='' can't='' jump='' and='' swarms='' of='' enemies='' try='' to='' attack='' you='' but='' fail='' to='' do='' so='' adding='' more='' trolling='' to='' this='' level='' than='' just='' the=''>

Môžete povedať len počúvaním hudby, že niekto strávil veľa času prácou na úrovni trollingu.

Táto úroveň sa zdá, že má veľa zmiešaných komentárov od ľudí, ktorí ho nenávidia ľuďom, ktorí absolútne milujú úroveň a chcú viac ako to.

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